After 2009 its a legal requirement to keep all licensed firearms in a secure safe and it’s also one of the conditions laid down by the Gardai when issuing a gun licence.

Fact is a wide range of gun safes are available on the Irish market, but careful consideration must be given to the quality of the safe you intend buying.
Many manufactuers focus on producing a safe which will comply with the minium legal requirements and this is reflected in the quality and retail price. As a result the quality of some of the gun safes on the Irish market is dreadful and its no surprise that many of them are often compromised in domestic burgalaries.
If you are serious about the storage of your firearms our advise is simple, you should not buy a gun safe until you have seen and compared the build quality of the Burg Ranger certified gun safe.
Certified to European Grade 0, it’s build quality far exceeds the Irish legal requirements and means the contents of the safe can be insured to the value of €60,000 under AIS guidelines.
Call us today for more information or why not call to see some of the range of Burg Safes in our showrooms
Ranger N5E
Exterior Dimensions 1304mm H x 372mm W x 368mm D
Interior Dimensions 1250mm H x 294mm W x 263mm D
Weight 105 KGs and a capacity of 97 Litres
Certified Burglary resistance EN1143-1
Capacity of up to 5 long guns, also a model available for up to 7 long guns.
Prepared for 1 wall fixing with fixings supplied.