Intelligent Key Management

What is Intelligent Key Management?

A secure electronic key storage cabinet that only releases the keys to a registered user who has the authorization to access them, while at the same time recording a log of who has obtained keys from the cabinet and for what areas.

If a user unlocks the cabinet and discovers that the keys they require have already been checked out, they can simply find out which user has the keys in their possession.

The management of keys can be a major problem for most businesses and commercial organizations.

Ask yourself, do you know who has your keys?

How does it work?

A secure electronic key storage cabinet that only releases the keys to a registered user who has the authorization to access them, while at the same time recording a log of who has obtained keys from the cabinet and for what areas.

1. User is required to enter his/her unique PIN code to gain access to the cabinet.

2. Green LEDs indicate those keys to which this user has access. The user cannot remove keys highlighted by the Red LEDs which continue to remain locked in place.

3. To return the key, the user enters their PIN to access the cabinet again.
4. Amber light indicates return position.
5. Reports showing all events can be reviewed on the screen, or the data exported via a USB pen drive in Excel compatible format and stored if required.