If you wish to return your purchase, we are happy to accept returns provided that the goods are unused, are not damaged, in their original packaging and within 30 days of receiving them. Goods that are received after 30 days and are found to be faulty will only be redeemed by a credit note.
We do not offer an exchange service, a refund will be made on receipt of returned goods and credited by the same method as the original payment.
Goods delivered Free of Charge will be subject to a carriage charge if returned for refund. For orders where no carriage is charged, carriage will be charged if your order is returned. The cost of postage will be deducted from the refunded amount.
Items that have been customised will not be accepted nor will items that have been specially ordered.
If you continue to use a product after finding a fault, it is assumed that you are accepting the goods in their damaged state and we will therefore not accept them as a return.
Items are returned at customer’s own expense and it is strongly recommended that you obtain proof of postage and/or insurance for the items posted, as M.D. Lock & Key accepts no responsibility for lost or damaged items. However, if any returned goods are found to be faulty, the cost of postage will be refunded in full.
In some circumstances, manufacturers may wish to examine the goods for their own records and therefore, replacements may not be sent out until it is deemed that the original goods were defective.
If any item is out of stock, you will be notified. Whereby it is agreeable, ‘In stock’ items will be sent immediately and the balance forwarded at a later date with no extra cost for delivery.